Galapagos the Decibelists

Galapagos the Decibelists This was an interesting music video, I wouldn’t necessarily say that I liked or enjoyed it but it was unique. The concept of the video was interesting to me because it’s one thats very relatable. I grew up in Brooklyn, New York. The city is a big part of who I amContinue reading “Galapagos the Decibelists”

Thoughts on “Disney plus warns users about outdated cultural depictions & titles”, “Disney plus outdated cultural depictions disclaimer raises questions says advocacy groups” & “Journey to the Disney vault”

The speculations and commentary made on behalf of Walt Disney and his corporation were most certainly controversial. The outdated cultural depictions that we’re made in many of Walt Disney’s major films were not shocking to see. Although Disney has made an “effort” to state a precautionary statement regarding these insensitive cultural depictions. They are solelyContinue reading “Thoughts on “Disney plus warns users about outdated cultural depictions & titles”, “Disney plus outdated cultural depictions disclaimer raises questions says advocacy groups” & “Journey to the Disney vault””

GEORGE CARLIN 40 years of …. Yeah idk.

George Carlin’s 40 years of comedy (1997) was his 10th hbo special. Majority of the special seemed to be flash backs from Carlin’s previous comedy specials which to me didn’t seem that interesting or humorous. 27 minutes of the special consisted of actual stand up comedy from the actual event. I must admit, I wasn’tContinue reading “GEORGE CARLIN 40 years of …. Yeah idk.”

“Have smartphones destroyed a generation?”

My commentary on; Twenge, Jean M. “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 19 Mar. 2018, In the article “Have smartphones destroyed a generation” the author discusses his observations of a young teenage girl which he refers to as “Athena” in the article as well as her generational group. He refersContinue reading ““Have smartphones destroyed a generation?””

Ron Popeil’s infomercials

With a net worth of $200 million, There is no doubt that Popeil isn’t the king of sales and advertising. After watching two of his infomercials. His Pasta maker infomercial & his Rotisserie and BBQ infomercial You can see how his advertisements could be perceived as so convincing. Popeil uses tactics such as consistently usingContinue reading “Ron Popeil’s infomercials”

“Why do stars think it O.K. to sell soda?”

  In the article “ Why do stars think it’s okay to sell soda”, written by Mark Bittman. He discusses the all time favorite super star; Beyoncé Knowles, and her decision to endorse the multi million dollar company Pepsi. Although he doesn’t directly state it, In his article he has several pieces of evidence thatContinue reading ““Why do stars think it O.K. to sell soda?””

Black Lips- Family Tree…

This is by far the weirdest video that I have ever watched in my entire life. Although the Music video was a jumbled satanic mess; There were definitely an abundance of subliminal messages that one may not take into consideration at first glance. Initially I was in utter confusion, perplexed to say the least. IContinue reading “Black Lips- Family Tree…”

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