Quiz Show the Film

“Quiz show” was a very interesting and compelling film to watch. Although the film was based off of a true story I feel as though it was executed in a very profound way. I really enjoyed what the movie was about and all of the underlying factors of why this movie was important to bring awareness to in the first place.

Quiz show shined a light on something very significant in our society. In the movie the original protagonist known as Herbie stemple, portrays the role of a Jewish man. He has features that is not necessarily considered attractive (in the perspective of his society). Additionally Stemple’s Socio economic status is sufficient, yet isn’t desirable.

Unfortunately, Individuals who are apart of a minority group in society are more prone to facing dream shattering judgement as opposed to an individual who have qualities that are considered favorable. In the film Herbie stemple wasn’t deemed as favorable nor desirable, according to the producers and casting directors of the quiz show. They figured that by taking him off the show and replacing his image with someone “more attractive” the show would gain more popularity and a different target audience; particularly one of a more higher class. They took him off the show for the sole purpose of replacing him with a man who is considered academically noble; due to his reputable family last name. Additionally Charles Van doren fulfilled the image of society’s concise expectations. To the women in the movie, Van doren was the epitome of nobility and was perceived as eye candy. He had all of the physical attributes as well as the academic attributes.

This movie was indeed very entertaining, and interesting to watch. It definitely leaves you thinking about societal perceptions.

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